©  Cross Systems 2016
Owner/operator of small fiberglass boat manufacturing plant.  1970 to 1976. Part time Marine Surveyor - 1976 to 1980. Expert Witness:   Fiberglass, Aluminum, and  Steel to 100 Tons. Full time Marine Surveyor - 1980 to present. Merchant Marine Officer - 1984 to present. Executive Director of  United States Sailing organization Sail USA” - 1984 to present. Director/President of the Association of Certified Marine Surveyors - 1999 to present. Jim has been the holder of a U. S. Coast Guard “Master of Inspected Vessels” operators license with “Master of Auxiliary Sail” and “Master of Uninspected Tow Vessels” included since 1984.
Owner/operator,  and Instructor of  "The Captain's Course" Over 2000 individuals have passed various Merchant Marine Officer tests by the US Coast Guard as a result of attending these courses. -  1982 to 2005.  Owner/operator and Instructor of "The Marine Surveyor School and Apprentice program"   (http://www.marinesurveyorschool.org)  1999 to present.    Founding member of  ACMS-Worldwide. (http://acms-usa.com) Owner and operator of the Shipping Container Survey Co. (http://containersurveys.com)  -  2000 to present. 
About Jim Cross